“When the mask of self-righteousness has been torn from us
and we stand stripped of all our accustomed defenses,
we are candidates for God's generous grace.”
Erwin W. Lutzer
#445 masks removed
#446 feeling defenseless and for once not trying to self-defend
#447 simply amazing grace
#448 new recipes that work the first try
#449 young hands learning new skills
#450 teaching the ABCs yet once again
#451 mischevious grins
#452 catching up on lost sleep
#453 coolness of the tile floors in the early morning
#454 looking forward to our first vacation from school
#455 giggly, non-stop talking after a fun, exciting day
#456 his amazing smile, every time he's willing to share it (and his sweet response to teasing)
#457 young, hardworking hands learning so many new skills this year... and becoming so very competent
#458 understanding a few more Zarma words each week
#459 helping friends make connections with other friends, connections I know the Lord will use
#460 scheduling the first ladies' Bible study at church
#461 planning topics for this year's Bible studies
#462 iced glasses of coke as we talk and pray together
#463 finding things in common even though our worlds are so very different
#464 being asked once again why we are here - and the opportunity to share what God has called us to do
#465 unexpected, unplanned chat with a dear friend that I miss so very much
#465 unexpected, unplanned chat with a dear friend that I miss so very much
#466 problems to solve that are far beyond me and require direction, discernment and diligence that can only come for the Almighty
For the first-time recipes are always fun. And planning is so much more fun than carrying out! :)