18 September 2014

Five Minute Friday ~ Hold

"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me."
“Now that you are eighty, you must know the secret of life. What is it?” literary critic Donald Hall demanded of the well known English sculptor, Henry Moore.

The question was not an unusual one. I find Mr. Moore's answer, however, beyond intriguing: “The secret of life is to have a task, something you do your entire life, something you bring everything to, every minute of the day for your whole life. And the most important thing is: It must be something you cannot possibly do.”

Most of my mundane aspirations couldn't begin to meet that requirement. A task that takes all of me all of my time all of my life to do - all the while knowing that I'll never actually be able to do it because it is far beyond what I can do. Or as the Paul writes, striving to take hold of... to apprehend... those very things for which Christ had to come, suffer on a cross, die, be buried and raised, for which He grabbed hold of me.

The Greek word translated hold - katalambánō - is a compound word: katá, meaning down, according to, and which intensifies the second part, lambánō. Lambánō, defined, means to aggressively take, to take hold of exactly and with decisive initiative or eager self-interest, to grasp something in a forceful manner, (figuratively) to apprehend or comprehend therefore making it one's own.

He's taken hold of me and made me His own so that I can grab hold of Him, make Him my own and lay claim to His good promises.

That's a thought too big for my heart and mind to truly hold.

Linking up with Kate for another 5MF!


  1. "He's taken hold of me and made me His own so that I can grab hold of Him" - love that. Stopped by from Five-Minute Friday. Blessings on your writing!

  2. That is a thought too big for my mind and heart right now too! But you said it beautifully

    1. glad to know i'm not the only one who feels that way! :-)

  3. i love where you went with this 'hold' word. both the scripture and admonition of Paul and the inspiring story of Mr. Moore are deep thoughts to ponder. I guess that all of your life, all of your days kind of living is really what being a whole hearted person is all about.

  4. Beautiful post! I love the direction you took this! I appreciate the truth "He's taken hold of me and made me His own so that I can grab hold of Him, make Him my own and lay claim to His good promises." So glad we're neighbors at FMF!

    1. thankful this spoke to you... and that we are neighbors as well! :-)

  5. Mr. Moore, you, and Paul are of the same mind! And heart. Love how you made that point so clearly. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    1. and thanks for stopping by with encouraging words. :-)

  6. Ah, my life's verse...to lay hold of that for which I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus! Love seeing your insightful thoughts on this. Truly, this aspiration is more than we can possibly do, qualifying, according to Mr. Moore, as the meaning of life. :)

    1. LOVE this verse... actually the whole book of philippians! glad this was encouraging to you.

  7. Found you through FMF.
    This is a post I definitely needed to read. I have allowed myself to get bogged down by the world, by distractions. I have forgotten the wonder of passionately pursuing my relationship with God, and recently have remembered. This was just another great encouragement to keep moving forward.

    1. So glad the Lord directed you this way and that these words encouraged you. May God bless each step you take as you move ever closer to Him.


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