Do you know a proverb from our language or culture that says essentially the same thing? I'm thinking of one...
We were hoping to catch a-lot-a-bugs... and we did! A bug collection is traditionally a 4th grade project... we were given the heads up before leaving Niger last summer, so we started collecting some good 'ole African bugs - even getting a few duplicates that we brought home to share!
Anna was delighted with her finished project... and although we helped a bit, she worked several hours on this project, and certainly earned the 119/100 points she received as a grade.
Can you figure out which bugs are part of the West African contingent that flew incognito on Air Maroc last summer?
My only questions (and they didn't "hatch" until I started filing and preparing photos to use on the blog the other day) were...
God is good!
Many tears were cried that day... leaving is hard, being left behind is hard, and our children have been so disappointed that their cousins won't be here in town to hang out, fellow classmates at school. Uncle Steve and Nadia have always had a special "connection." But we are so excited for this opportunity the Lord has given them to be in full-time ministry and can't wait to see what God will do! We hope to visit them in California, too!