Zabura 23
Rabbi ya ay hawji no, ay si jaŋ hay kulu.
A g’ay naŋ ya kani kuray nangu tayey ra.
A g’ay jine candi mo fulanzamyaŋ hari zurey me gaa,
A g’ay fundo yeenandi,
A g’ay candi mo adilitaray fondey ra nga maa sabbay se.
Daahir, baa ay goono ga dira bu biya gooru bindi ra,
Ay si humburu masiiba kulu zama ni go ay banda.
Ni goobo da ni kuray saro goono g’ay yaamar.
Ni ga taabal hanse ay jine, ay ibarey moy go ga di.
Ni g’ay boŋo tuusu nda ji.
Ay gaasiya mo to kal a go ga mun.
Booriyaŋ da suuji hinne no g’ay gana
Ay funo jirbey kulu,
Ay ga goro Rabbi windo ra mo hal abada.
Please pray...
I'm trying to memorize the text in Zarma
(see above... and it isn't easy).
We will be talking about suffering and thankfulness...
and I also hope to show the ladies a method they can use to study and meditate
on Bible passages... even if or when they can't pick up their Bible and read it
for themselves.
I will be praying!