01 September 2009

Ramadan, 2009 - Christ is Honoured

Ramadan 2009 / 1430: August 22 - September 20

How Christ is Honoured by His Followers in Other Cultures

Wednesday, 2 September
"Loving Muslims Through Prayer"

Friday night. Jasmine has just arrived from her workplace in the city. Gracious, sincere village neighbours greet Jasmine warmly at the home of her daughter and son-in-law. They take their places in a circle on the tikar, a floor mat of woven reeds. Someone reaches to the top shelf of a closet and takes down a stack of photocopied, large-font Scripture portions. Jasmine readies her reading glasses and settles herself in a cross-legged position on the tikar. Afterwards everyone in the circle prays for the others and for their nation. These prayers are different from ritual prayers in Arabic -- Jasmine says emphatically -- for they are offered in the name of THE MESSIAH, THEIR SAVIOUR...

This regular gathering is an example of communities of faith in Jesus the Messiah that are springing up throughout Indonesia. These gatherings may look different from what we see in our own cultural settings, but Jesus is being made known; He is being honoured!

Prayer Starters:

  • Around the world Muslims who have encountered the Messiah have to find culturally appropriate ways to worship. Some have adopted worship styles and attitudes from other cultures while adapting it to their needs. Others have developed unique cultural expressions of their faith.
  • Pray for former Muslims to find ways to come together culturally yet still on a biblical bases.
  • Pray for former Muslims in your city, region, and country, that the beauty of local cultural expressions may be manifest in worship (songs, preaching and teaching styles and new ways of living which bring worship into the heart of daily life).

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