...first commonly used in the 1590s, from godbwye (1570s), itself a contraction of God be with ye, but influenced by good day, good evening,...
...puzzling, because in the midst of saying one, there just ain't nothing that feels too good about it. Have you ever noticed that before?
By this time next week, we'll have started our trek back to Niger... so we are in the midst of packing decisions and tearful goodbyes. I'm sure my lists will be short these next few weeks, not because I don't have much for which to be thankful, but mostly because my heart is overwhelmed with gratitude to God and to great guys and gals, because goodbyes hurt, because packing is taking up so much time and because all of it is physically and emotionally exhausting.
#271 A church van to borrow for the next two weeks
#272 Our friends at the supporting church who's letting us borrow their van
#273 My Nana and Pop-pop - their faithful prayers and support through so many years
#274 Spending a few too short days with Nana and Pop-pop, the best grandparents a girl could ever dream up
#275 An amazing day canoeing on our favorite river with friends and family
#276 A delightful gal and incredible mama who baby/kidsat our littlers so we could have this awesome day with our bigs
#277 Sunshine on what looked, starting off, as though it would be a rainy, cloudy day
#278 Walking on the beach, visiting, digging my toes deep into the sand while watching their smiles, listening to their laughter
#279 The sweet sorrow and trickling tears of goodbyes that hurt... dreadfully... Shakespeare nailed it on the head when he wrote his oft quoted lines: "...parting is such sweet sorrow."

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