02 July 2010


We just got home and the two littlest ones are sound asleep... and if the blackened bottoms and grimy toenails of their bare little feet (looks like I'll be washing sheets tomorrow) are any reflection of the fun they had running around barefoot over grass and mud, chasing a ball, swinging, sliding, climbing trees, riding Grandpa's riding mower, picking up sticks, building fires, roasting marshmallows... then they must have had a GREAT time...

Which reminded me of this post, to which I had wanted to link...

I've had medical professionals tell me to get rid of pets, use antibacterial soap... even not allow children to play outside. And when one was sick in the hospital (with malaria) and then because she was weak, her immune system lost the battle to other bacteria and critters already present... I almost began to believe them.

I'm glad I didn't; I'm glad our kids have had the feedom to play in the rain (and mud), walk through muddy forest streams, bury themselves in the sand, dig caves and dirt sculptures for their beannie babies and plastic dinosaur and animal toys to inhabit. Nothing beats that experience of playing in the dirt ~ it really does do "a body (and soul) good!"

...dontcha think?

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