A few weeks back, Richelle and her mom were chatting on Yahoo Messenger, and Mom mentioned that she had been working on Nana & Pop-pop's photo albums. She had also scanned several photos, which she has since passed along to us through Yahoo's photo sharing. It has been so much fun sharing these photos with our children and with our African friends. Honoring your parents and grandparents is an important part of the culture here; the fact that our parents and grandparents support us wholeheartedly in this ministry helps in building bridges.
We can't wait until we are home later this year- Everyone is looking forward to a trip to S. Illinois to visit Nana and Pop-pop... Unfortunately, it will probably be too cold to sit on the porch swing, drink coffee and visit, but we treasure each opportunity we have to see them and to let our children meet and/or get to know them better.
Enjoy the photos-
Nana as a young teen.
"Mama, she's beautiful!" was Rebekah's response.
Pop in uniform. Brendan found this photo very impressive.
Their wedding picture.
Victoria says that Nana's hair looks long
just like hers, " 'cept not white."
Home after their honeymoon.
This is Anna's and Richelle's favorite picture because they look so happy.
Jonathan liked this one of their growing family with
Mom and Aunt Donna.
It was the baby that caught his attention.
After several opportunities to go "bird huntin'" with Pop-pop,
this was Tim's perferred photo.
Any guesses who the baby is in this picture?
Nadia knew right away - it is Richelle.
Nana and Pop-pop are on either side;
Grandma Stewart is holding her.
Their 50th wedding anniversary.
What an example for the rest of us!
And Brendan was there - so was Rebekah, although she hadn't made her offical appearance yet.
Pop-pop is so handsome and Nana is still beautiful as ever!