“Mama, when we were at the library the other day, I was tempted to tell someone about Jesus and how He was born to save us. Is that wrong?”
I couldn’t help but smile.
Funny question for a missionary kid to be asking…
After all, isn’t that what missionaries do? Isn’t that what we teach kids that missionaries do?
Missionaries go, into ALL the world for this reason: telling ALL who have never heard or who have never believed or who just need to be reminded – ALL about Jesus.
The message is first one of confrontation – the horribly bad news that ALL, are sinners and that as sinners, we are unable – in and of ourselves – to DO ANYTHING to remedy our sin problem. Which brings us to the second part of the bad news: the required punishment for any and every sin is death.
Grasping that part of the message is necessary; thankfully it doesn’t stop there or we would ALL be without hope.
The second half of the missionary message tells of reconciliation and restoration. It’s the hopeful part… the better part.
ALL men need someone to save them. So God sent ONE, His Son.
It is what we celebrate during this holy season.
Jesus came – born as a baby, but also born to die… for ALL men.
He willingly and sacrificially took the punishment for ALL sin so that ALL men could be reconciled to God. The Good News gets even better. Jesus didn’t stay dead. God brought Him out of the tomb, alive and conquering death. Because He lives, ALL men who believe this merciful message of grace and then trust Him have the hope of ALL eternity together with Him.
So I smiled when my little one asked her question. And I told her, “Of course it’s not wrong!”
She grinned and said that next time, she’d be kind by listening to God when He was tempting her to tell…and we went on with our day… and week…
God, however, wasn’t finished with me yet. He had an additional thought with which I need to wrestle so He kept bringing my mind back around to her question.
Particularly the phrase tempted to tell....
Please join me over at Missionary Mom's Companion (I posted last weekend) to read the rest of this repost from Christmas time, last year...