28 September 2013

They were begging to stop and wander the banks of the river... so we did!

As we piled out of the van, we saw a sign that said trout could be seen jumping and fighting their way upstream to spawn...

...of course we dreamed that we might actually see a grizzly catching those trout...

but in reality, we knew we'd be happy just seeing some fish.

I think, though, that we all expected to see the same thing we saw in Scotland when we stopped where the Atlantic salmon were supposed to be making their way upstream (and peak season was supposed to be June)...

Nothing except cold water tumbling over rocks and winding through mountains!

We were surprised... look below...

While we didn't see the fish actually jumping their way upstream, we did find them resting in the eddy - about 6-8 large (yeah... like much longer than the length of my forearm large) trout. Can you see them?

In case you are wondering, I did crawl off the path and underneath the "deck" we were standing on to get the two close up pictures.

We hung around for awhile, hoping to see them start moving, but nope.

But we did see them... and some pretty amazing bugs as well.

That's another post!

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