07 June 2013

Five Minute Friday ~ Fall

"Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant."
~ Socrates 

Isn't there another quote that goes something like it was the best of times, the worst of times? That is kinda how a high school graduation feels - at least my first time through as a parent. 

Maybe you'll find my reason surprising...

It really has nothing to do with nostalgia about my biggest one growing up and moving on to the next adventure in his life, although that certainly is happening. He's ready, he's become a wonderful young man, and I'm only excited to see where God takes him... the places he'll go, the things he'll accomplish, the godly man he will continue to become.

Last night, speeches and conversations echoed full of emotion and excitement... but also   danced around a melancholy wistfulness. I hear people committing to keep in touch and come visit when the opportunity arises. 

Good intentions. 

But sometimes? Life just gets in the way - and, I think, deep down, that truth is already recognized even as people say those words. It is hard to stay "close friends" when you live on different continents, when your lives are diverging along diverse paths, when really, the only thing you have in common is that you attended the same school and have now graduated in the same year. It might be different if these kids all lived in the same town, were staying here to get jobs, get married, raise families ~ but not a single one voiced the intention of remaining. And practically? While Facebook or Twitter or whatever the newest, latest social media rage may be are great tools for keeping distant tabs on people... 

It isn't just my graduating one, either. All eight of these kids and their mama and papa are saying goodbye: at the very least, for a spell... perhaps for much longer. There are acquaintances - and in saying that, I have no intention of demeaning or diminishing the value of or impact made by those acquaintances as our paths have crossed for this season in our lives. 

But those with whom the covenant of friendship is entered ~ that's going to take work, commitment  persistence, sacrifice and those are just the tip of the iceberg ~ 

~ to cultivate a friendship that endures for the long haul.

You wanna hop in and join the fun, don't you? Here's how to play (or check out the instructions directly @ Lisa Jo's

"...set your timer, clear your head, for five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right.

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..."

Hope to see you've linked up!


  1. You're so right, social media is great at keeping us at arm's length, cultivating real friendship requires inteionality and persistence.

    Stopping by from FMF - great to "meet you!"

    1. thanks for stopping by.

      i like how you included the persistence part. so true!

  2. Congratulations on your son's graduation! You are right. Those friendships that we promise will last forever fade, even though we stay on the same continent.

  3. My older son had 7 in his graduating class and most of them still live in the same state. They've gone to each other's weddings and kept in touch through social media, but the "family" closeness they had in HS has disappeared over time. It's the way of the world, sadly. But those friendships really do remain special in our hearts forever. Congratulations on launching your son! He's such a handsome young man.

    1. thanks. and thankfully, there usually are a few friendships that do remain special.

  4. Hi Richelle,
    Congrats! Moving and transitions do make staying friends challenging...hope you can keep the ones that are the closest to you and your family...praying today for your move...God's peace :)

    1. appreciating those prayers. the big day keeps marching towards us.

  5. It'll be a lot easier to stay in touch for Brendan and his friends than it was for us, at the same age. I'm not saying it'll be as deep or real, but it'll def. be easier.

    1. Jill, sometimes i forget you've been there done that. prolly each situation has its unique challenges and benefits.


Stop in for a chat! I love to hear what you have to say ~


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