~Super Duper News~
Words cannot describe the joy and excitement we feel when we see unmistakeable evidence of God working in hearts around our house... it never ceases to amaze us that God allows us input in the formation of such neat little people, tweens and teens! What a privilege! What awesome responsibility!
Last month, Jonathan began asking lots of questions about what it meant to be a follower of Jesus, why Jesus had to die to be our Savior and what was the best way to get to heaven. After one such conversation, I asked him, "What's a sinner?" He responded that sinner was "...someone who did things to make God sad 'cause they don't obey God." When I asked him why Jesus had to die on the cross, he knew it was because men had sinned and that he himself was a sinner. However, when I asked him if he was ready to pray and ask Jesus to be His Savior, he replied: "Not now, Mama. I'm not ready to go to heaven and be with Jesus just yet."
And that was where we left the converation for about a month. Then just last week, Jonathan and I were working together, picking up around the house and I'd asked him to put something in a particular place. He didn't want to walk that far, so he hid it elsewhere... fortunately, he got caught! That is one of those things that I always pray for my children (and myself)... that when they (I) sin, they (I) get caught. I don't want them (or myself) to start getting the idea or practice that they (I) can sin without consequence. When I asked him about it, he just grinned at first and said, "Sorry I disobey Mama. You forgive me please?"
I asked him if he realized that he didn't just disobey me because he didn't do what I'd asked him to do, he'd also disobeyed God because he had tried to be deceitful and God tells us not to lie. At that point he came running into my arms, crawled into my lap and said, "Mama, I do want to go to heaven and be with you someday. I need to pray..." which we promptly did. We are ALL so excited that Jonathan made the decision to follow Jesus... and now our prayer for him is that his knowledge, experience and belief in God grows just as he grows and understands more and more .
He couldn't wait for his daddy and his big brother to get home so he could tell both of them about his important decision!
I'm crying - happiness! Can't wait...